Whilst the government, in particular Mr Shapps, dithers over the quarantine rule I turn my attention to Sally. It didn’t take too much time in the end and finally last Sunday I managed to finish her- she even looks good in black and white. Sally was very happy with it and I was thrilled with the numerous likes, hearts and comments that surfaced on both my Facebook and Instagram accounts. I’m now busy rebuilding my social life that has been dormant for so many months. I even managed to get to see two really good friends of mine recently, socially distanced (natch) in their garden. On their deck, a bottle of faux wine for me, and in glorious sunshine to boot.

I’m also headed to my hairdressers this weekend, for highlights, a long awaited trim and a wash and blow dry. I can’t wait to see Samira again and oh the indulgence and luxury of having somebody else attend to my locks. Utter bliss but why, oh why, aren’t hairdressers allowed to do pedicures? It makes absolutely no sense; if Covid spreads through entering the nose, eyes and mouth then how can my feet be a conduit for catching this dreaded disease, I mean even when seated my tootsies are still a long way away from my face. Utterly daft some of these rules. And last night I heard that a father can’t walk his daughter down the aisle for fear of transmitting Covid. We can’t continue like this, there have been no spikes that I’m aware of from all these demonstrations. Reckless behaviour it may have been and not very public spirited. Anyway I’m sure that this damn lurgy is killed a lot quicker in bright sunshine and warm temperatures, but what do I know?

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